
ООО IDC Company Co., Ltd

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ООО IDC Company Co., Ltd

IDC Company is registered in Lao PDR. The business of the company is investments in enterprises in Lao PDR and in othercountries. Today IDC Company is working at several projects and one of them is opening of chain of Italian restaurants in South East Asia. One restaurant was opened in January 2014 - Ai Capone (Vientiane) -  page is available at . The second restaurant (Acqua) will be opened current August -September - page is available at Facebook. The Company is employing staff from Italy, Canada, USA, South East Asea, Russia and other countries. Staff of Ai Capone is over 20 employees. The staff of Acqua will be over 60 employees. Ai Capone has become the most popular Italian restaurant in Vientiane. 

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